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資料筆數共計 7 筆,共計 1 頁 進階搜尋

Physio2U: Telehealth in the Time of COVID-19
作者姓名:Sarah Lord Ferguson
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W27123
出版日期:2022/04/11內容長度:5 頁

The owner of Physio2U, the largest provider of in-home physical rehabilitation services in Western Canada, was forced to rapidly transition to telehealth amid the growing threat of COVID-19 in early 2020. While the Physio2U team and its patients were pleasantly surprised by their success with telehealth, as vaccination rates increased and the threat of COVID-19 infection became less significant, she had some tough decisions to make. She wondered if .....more

Physio2U: Telehealth in the Time of COVID-19 - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Sarah Lord Ferguson
出版日期:2022/04/11內容長度:6 頁

Teaching note for product W27123.

Rio Tinto and Omnogovi: A Community Cooperation Agreement
作者姓名:Byambajav Dalaibuyan; Sarah Lord Ferguson; Eric Werker;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B20M005
出版日期:2020/01/17內容長度:15 頁

This case examines the business decisions around managing the community impact of a mining development in the Gobi Desert region of Mongolia at Oyu Tolgoi—one of the larger copper and gold deposits in the world, and a flagship project of Rio Tinto. In 2009, a mining development agreement was reached with the Government of Mongolia on the national level, but negotiations were just ramping up at the local level. New legislation mandated the creation .....more

Rio Tinto and Omnogovi: A Community Cooperation Agreement - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Sarah Lord Ferguson; Byambajav Dalaibuyan; Eric Werker;
出版日期:2020/01/17內容長度:14 頁

Teaching note for product 9B20M005.

Accounting Exam Irregularities in an MBA Program
作者姓名:David Hannah; Sarah Lord Ferguson; Michael Parent;
商品類型:Case (Gen Exp)商品編號:9B19C005
出版日期:2019/03/29內容長度:5 頁

In late September 2014, students in the Arnold School of Business (Arnold) full-time MBA program wrote an open-book managerial accounting exam. Immediately after the exam, one of the students, who was also vice-president academic of the Graduate Business Students Association (GBSA), was informed by a classmate that some students accessed the Internet for solutions during the exam. The GBSA representative knew she had to do something but was unsure .....more

Accounting Exam Irregularities in an MBA Program - Teaching Note
作者姓名:David Hannah; Sarah Lord Ferguson; Michael Parent;
出版日期:2019/03/29內容長度:10 頁

Teaching note for products 9B19C005 and 9B19C006.

Accounting Exam Irregularities in an MBA Program (B)
作者姓名:David Hannah; Sarah Lord Ferguson; Michael Parent;
出版日期:2019/03/29內容長度:3 頁

Supplement for product 9B19C005.